Webinar Recap: DE&I Hiring Masterclass

Ariela Douglas
July 25, 2022

Watch the replay here

In a recent and timely webinar, pymetrics Founder & CEO, Dr. Frida Polli engaged in an open discussion surrounding the legacy practices, accountability and methods required to hire and retain ethically in today's world. Keep reading to learn our 3 biggest HR boosting takeaways:

There’s a perfect fit for everyone

Not every job is for everybody…and that's ok. In fact, that’s more than ok, because finding the right person for the right role is crucial to retention and growth. Traditionally, prospective employers will look at a self-reported resume to find the hard skills that match an existing job description. The future of hiring is within soft skills, looking to the emotional and cognitive traits that will not only help them excel in the role, but feel fulfilled down the line.

Here’s a great example: it’s a common misconception that “good” traits such as agreeableness makes for a better employee. However, there are certain roles where being too agreeable may be a detriment - measuring specific skills and attributes is crucial for long term success.

Identifying and mitigating bias

Generally speaking, HR teams can struggle with a lack of metrics. Legacy practices, such as IQ or job knowledge tests, have provided teams with a 2D view of a candidate and may lead to detrimental hiring and promotion bias. Our goal is to empower enterprise companies to look beyond traditional practices rife with bias and leverage AI built from unbiased data. AI is smart, it learns over time like humans do. But also like humans, the sooner it ingests knowledge, the more it can learn and grow to fit specific needs. Teams that are slow to adopt, may get left behind among competitors.

What does fair mean?

Did you know that there are 21 different scientific definitions of fairness? So when an assessment provider says they’re “fair”, it’s much like saying they’re “healthy”...it's subjective. For every company looking to add the important data layer of behavioral soft skills assessments to the traditional resume, it is important to ask how an assessment or platform defines fairness.

For us, it’s not just a buzzword. We design our AI to be both accurate and objective by evenly-distributed soft-skills data, only release algorithms if they meet stringent accuracy and unbiased standards, and had our platform independently audited to ensure full transparency.

If you’d like to learn more about how pymetrics can help optimize your talent lifecycle AI, contact us here.