Soft skill assessments date back 50+ years - we've created a gamified assessment to determine someone’s potential fit or success in a role and mitigate bias.
pymetrics is converging modern cognitive science with cutting edge AI to accurately and scalably assess people to jobs
Cognitive science promotes equity + flexibility in the future of work
Advancements in cognitive science led to two primary differentiators for pymetrics soft skills:
Each step of the pymetrics process has been implemented in compliance with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP). This includes job analysis, criterion-related validation (concurrent validity and predictive validity), reliability, and fairness.
While the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) does not rubber-stamp assessment products as compliant or non-compliant with its guidelines, each step of the pymetrics process was designed with UGESP in mind and is implemented using methods that adhere to these regulations.