It seems like everyday, we hear more about how technology is being used to improve our lives – but what about culturally? The concept of company culture is nothing new, but as organizations become more aware of best hiring practices and the value diversity can bring, they’re looking to hire the right fit for the long term – especially after The Great Resignation.
However, what makes someone a great long term fit isn’t usually on their resume, it's in their soft skills. Keep reading to discover how assessing the hidden “resume” of soft skills via innovative AI is improving the future of hiring.
Amid The Great Resignation, companies took full notice of their workforce after many left their current positions for better fit, better pay, and more flexibility. Suddenly, the standard of commuting into an office for 8+ hours a day didn’t make sense for the lifestyle and professional goals of employees. This same sentiment could be directed towards the traditional way of hiring... the resume. While a self reported resume may be able to tell a future employer of past wins, assessing soft skills is the best way to look towards the future and assess fit via their cognitive, social, emotional aptitudes.
Hiring and internal development has remained relatively unchanged prior to the introduction of sophisticated AI programs. However, after COVID-19 hit, companies suddenly needed to keep up with business demands while juggling remote workers. Organizations began asking themselves how they can both support the needs of their current workforce while encouraging diversity and shortening time to hire. This is where AI steps in.
In a world of historical inequalities, it’s important for employers to utilize fairness-optimized AI to broaden their talent diversity. Looking beyond the standard resume and using cutting edge data to hire is how companies can hire with equity and diversity in mind. At pymetrics, we design AI to be accurate and reduce bias by only releasing algorithms if they meet strict accuracy and fairness standards and having our platform independently audited to ensure full transparency.
Company culture comes not only from management, but from every person hired, promoted, or reskilled within the company. Traditionally, an employee is hired based on concrete experience and promoted/reskilled on the judgment of their manager. But as is the case with most resumes, the skills HR is unable to see, such as decision making and focus, are the elements that can set apart a good candidate from a great candidate.
Because there is no such thing as a soft skill resume, measuring critical traits with objective AI allows an employer to get the full picture of the ideal candidate. So even if a workforce is not as diverse as HR would like, employers can understand soft skills needed to succeed in a particular role or department and can seek out these traits via pymetrics tests.
If you would like to learn how the pymetrics soft skills assessments can support the talent lifecycle including recruitment, employee learning & development and internal mobilization, click here to learn more.