Delivering candidates feedback was never the status quo for HR teams, but has the pandemic changed that? How can organizations change their traditional approach to delivering feedback? Learn how pymetrics can help.
Watch the full session here.
The general consensus among the panel of this session was that many organizations don’t have a clear policy or a grasp on best practices to constructively respond to applicants. The reality of candidate feedback currently takes three major approaches. Some organizations completely forego providing feedback to candidates, others do it on a case by case basis, or they may provide feedback at some stages of the process rather than others.
There are several reasons for the lack of responsiveness, the first being efficiency. Responding requires a clear understanding of why the candidate was rejected, but many HR teams don’t have the time to go through every candidate and craft why they were rejected. Another main reason that many organizations are not providing candidates with feedback is because of the legal risk. Humans have inherent biases that lead them to make biased decisions, therefore; being truthful to candidates opens up organizations to potential legal entanglements.
The ability to provide actionable and unbiased feedback can be significantly improved with automation. But with automation comes other considerations. A system may state the rejection reasons but you must think about how much value certain feedback even adds to the candidate experience. Letting a candidate know they were rejected because their GPA was too low is not particularly actionable feedback. So what needs to happen? Organizations need the ability to provide individualized, valuable feedback in an automated way across all candidates. pymetrics does so by implementing policies on how the feedback is delivered and how the feedback is actionable. Every single candidate that completes the pymetrics gamified assessment receives a summarized report of their soft skills and links them to resources to close their hard skills gaps. pymetrics provinces its partners the opportunity to shape candidates’ understanding of their brand based on the nature and quality of the feedback.
As an organization shifting resources towards delivering candidate feedback, there comes a responsibility to your hiring managers to prepare them for that aspect of the hiring process. The absolute best practice to ensure your hiring managers are well equipped to execute delivering candidate feedback is to set expectations. With a tool like pymetrics, decisions are based on humans taking the output of assessment and using that in addition to other information they know about the candidate. Therefore, hiring managers should be trained through the expected course of action for collecting the applicant report outcomes and concluding a decision from the information.
On the flip side, setting expectations for candidates immensely improves their experience with your brand. HR leaders recognize that candidates often feel left in the dark and even neglected when they are not looped into the process. So, informing the candidate of the next step and what is mapped out for that stage is critical to leaving them satisfied with your employer brand experience.
With the gravity of current global events affecting everyone everywhere, candidates are more sensitive than ever. Thus, transparency is the most crucial factor needed during the hiring process right now. The panel noted that as hiring managers, the best practice to drive transparency forward is to treat candidates how you would want to be treated.
If you would like to learn more about our world-renowned candidate experience, feel free to check out our Candidates page here.
As a reminder, you can also watch the full session here.