5 Actionable Steps To Increase Diversity In Hiring

Jordan Ingersoll
July 14, 2021

Diversity among your workforce encourages more creativity, new perspectives, healthy competition, and enhanced problem-solving. Use the following 5 strategies to attract more diverse candidates during your recruiting process.

Change the Practices

While your company administration and/or employees may have a mindset that embraces diversity, hiring practices can often lag behind. Be sure your recruiting team is using a hiring strategy that successfully sources and attracts diverse talent. The following tips are a great place to start.

1. Understand What Your Baseline Looks Like

Before you can source the right talent for your company, you’ll need to clearly identify what you are looking for in a job candidate. This involves analyzing the position that needs to be filled from more than just a skills and duties perspective. It means branching out into an exploration of the character traits needed to be successful. Does the position require an extrovert? Someone who is detail-oriented? 

Identify ways the role fulfills the company’s cultures and goals and assess how a new hire would need to have similar goals and values to be successful in that position. All of this information establishes a baseline for the perfect candidate. Rather than look for a set of technical skills, you are opening the hiring process to look for personal characteristics compatible with the position.

2. Source Talent in New Areas

To avoid limiting the applicant pool to the traditional or expected qualified individuals, branch out in the avenues used to source talent. This can require more work and more patience, but you are more apt to find a gem that would have been overlooked if you hadn't taken a risk to look past the traditional candidate profile. Expand the talent pool to alumni associations at colleges and universities. Join or network with professional organizations that work directly with diverse populations.

3. Write Job Descriptions That Are Inclusive

When you are looking for underrepresented talent, your job descriptions need to reflect that specific interest. An inclusive job description leaves out the jargon and excessive requirement list. Instead, it focuses on bringing awareness of the organizational culture without reference to gender pronouns. It softens highly corporate language and removes requirement and pre-qualification bias in favor of a results-oriented expectation of growth over a specified amount of time.

4. Leverage Pre-hire Assessments That Actively Audit for Bias

Rather than limiting the evaluation of a potential candidate to resume information or self-report questionnaire answers, leverage technology to reveal a candidate that has true potential in a culture that embraces and desires diverse talent. 

pymetrics, for example, leverages audited AI technology and behavioral science to establish a fair recruiting process that welcomes diversity. Uncovering hidden bias prior to hiring gives a company more transparency and helps proactively redefine the workforce. 

Not only does the program help funnel candidates into the most suitable roles, but it can also reroute candidates who don’t pass into other roles within the company that would be a potential fit. Data collection minimizes the potential for unknown personal bias to discriminate against a worthy applicant regardless of background.

5. Invite a Diverse Group of Interviewers to Participate

Your interview panel needs to reflect the inclusive culture of your organization. When candidates see a version of themself represented by the company, they are more likely to be at ease during the interview process. Diverse interviewers also lend a different perspective to candidate analysis and can see potential where others may have some bias (intentional or not). 

Never have an all-male, all-white interview panel. Use different experiences, backgrounds, and ethnicities to build a diverse panel.

Change the Policies

The same potential that was attractive in the entry-level roles can be developed and successful in roles with more responsibility. Diverse hiring practices need to influence promotion policies with minorities, women, and other underrepresented groups. 

While the increased attention to diversity has seen an increase in the number of Fortune 500 board seats held by minorities and women, 34% is still gross underrepresentation. Diverse boards lead to better results, but promotions need to become a common part of company policies.

To learn more about reducing bias throughout the entire hiring process watch the webinar "Hiring for Fit: Don't Compromise on Quality or Equality" hosted by pymetrics' CEO & Founder, Dr. Frida Polli

pymetrics offers a gamified assessment that evaluates the potential match of any employee to a number of paths within the company. Diverting the right talent toward the right job, coupled with inclusive training and promotion strategies, creates a workforce that is innovative, creative and leads the competition in cutting-edge ideas and productivity. pymetrics is the tool you need to achieve this end.



